Taraknishi Financial platform addresses each loan’s full life cycle, with modules to address origination, servicing, reporting, collection, and compliance. Manage your portfolio to the highest standards of credit-risk management.
Our features are customizable scorecards based on proprietary models combining traditional and alternative borrower-evaluation techniques and data sources. Use your own evaluation criteria to reduce loan risks and approve more of the right borrowers.
Loan Details
View loan details including repayments, loan terms, loan schedule, collateral, files, and comments.
You can also print loan statements and schedule for your borrowers. Set loan fees, grace period, and penalties.
You can even Send SMS to the borrower.Set Loan Reminders, Manage Loan, View and print Loan Statement and Collection Schedule
Charts and Reports
View detailed charts and see how your loan released and collections are changing month to month.
You can also view cash flow reports and profit/loss statements.
This will allow you to instantly see your business performance through graphic charts and take informed decisions.
Staff Management
Now you can manage your staff like a bank! You can assign branches to your staff and give them roles such as Cashier, Teller, Operations Manager, Collector, and Branch Manager.
You can set permissions for each staff role and control what pages they can see and the branches they can operate in the admin area.
- Only First Name and Last Name required to create borrower
- Upload picture and files if any
- Add details such as DOB, Email, Mobile, and Address
- Send SMS and Email directly to Borrower
- Auto Send SMS and Email
- Add Loans and Savings Account
- Invite Borrowers to Loandisk so they can see their loans, repayments, and savings account
- Assign Loan Officers to Borrowers
- Choose from Flat Interest, Reducing Balance - Equal Installments, Reducing Balance - Equal Principal, Interest-Only loans, or Compound Interest
- Released Date, Amount, Interest %, Duration, and Repayment Cycle
- Add Repayment Cycle for example fixed days every month
- Set Grace Period
- Set Penalties for late repayment and after maturity date
- Set a different Interest Start Date
- First Repayment Date and First Repayment Amount can be manually set in Add Loan
- Add Loan Fees
- Add Guarantors
- Add Loan Agreement files
- Add Loans for Processing
- Set Loan Reminders
- Send bulk SMS to borrowers on the Daily Collection Sheet or the Overdue Loans Sheets.
- Collateral Register
- Add Collateral
- Manage all Collateral in a Register
- Overdue Loans
- View Pending Due Loans
- View Past Maturity Date Loans